Repairing IPE Wood Decking


Ipe wood decking is one of the best-looking, most-durable natural woods you can use for a new outdoor space. And the good news is, this exotic wood is also extremely low maintenance. It's easy to clean and doesn't need sealing or refinishing as frequently as composite decking, making it an environmentally friendly choice for your home.

IPE is a dense wood, meaning it will sink in water and comes naturally loaded with oils that help resist rot and insect infestations. But, like other premium hardwoods, Ipe wood is susceptible to moisture damage and UV rays.

If you're not careful, the sun will start to fade your ipe decking over time. This is especially common if you didn't keep up with regular cleaning and oiling. Fortunately, you can repair the grey color with some simple repairs. Here are more details on how you can determine the hardness of wood.

You can reseal your Ipe deck with an oil-based sealer, but make sure you apply it at least once every year. It is important to choose a sealer that is thinner than your typical oils, as this will allow it to better absorb into the grain of the wood.

It is also recommended to avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals on the Ipe, as this can weaken the sealant and create openings where moisture could seep in. Scratches can also cause the sealant to fail and let in moisture.

This makes resealing the decking more difficult, and can result in a duller, more brittle finish. If you do need to reseal, we recommend an oil-based sealer that doesn't contain bleach or other harsh chemicals.

Ipe is also very resistant to mold and mildew. This is because of the tight grain pattern and natural resistance to fungus. However, if you don't regularly clean your ipe decking with an oil-based sealer, you can expect to see it begin to develop a grayish appearance over time.

Insect Resistance: Ipe is more insect-resistant than other woods, which can be a big deal if you have kids or pets around the house. Insects can easily destroy your furniture and flooring, and extermination procedures are expensive. Read more here about repairing IPE wood decks.

The best way to prevent insects from causing serious damage is to build a solid foundation for your house and then make sure it's sealed properly. Ipe is also known for its excellent heat dispersion. In fact, we often recommend building your deck slightly elevated so that it will absorb less sun and naturally disperse the heat.

You can also add a ceiling fan to your home, as this will help cool down the area by drawing air through the roof of your house. This will help to reduce your energy costs, as you'll be able to keep the interior of your home cool all summer long.

It's also important to ensure that the surface of your ipe deck is completely dry before you place any food on it. If left unattended, the moisture content in the Ipe wood can become too high and cause it to splinter and warp. To get more information related to this topic, Check this page:

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